Category Archives: books

Sometimes I write

I’m bored and have nothing to write about pertaining to school (because I’m on vacation!!!).  So, because I want to post something, here’s a bit from a novel I’ve been trying to write since forever.  It’s a retelling of my favorite fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast (because, and I say this with all sincerity, the world NEEDS more retellings.  I seem to have gone through them all and that makes me very sad).  So, read and let me know what you think:


Her name was Beauty, her father said.  The youngest of three daughters and the most pure-hearted of them al.  Where the elder girls begged the impoverished father to bring jewels and gowns for them, Beauty had merely asked for a rose.

The Beast looked forward to meeting a gil who valued flowers so.  Nature was one of his greatest consolations here.  Unlike his invisible servants, nature was there to be touched and smelled and experienced.  He’d spend years cultivating the gardens as best he could.  They were a little ragged, a little wild, but they were a riot of beautiful flowers and shrubs and trees.

At least she would like the rose garden.

“Where is she?” he demanded.  He rose from his place by the fire and paced.  “Is she tarrying on purpose?  She must have found the path by now.”

“She’ll be here,” the soothing voice of Mrs. Underwood sai off to the Beast’s left.  “Remember, she is coming to a life of imprisonment.  That’s not something one generally rushes off to.”

He felt a pang of conscience at that, but pushed it away.  “I will treat her as a guest.  She’ll have freedom…”

“The illusion of,” was the gentle correction.

He nodded in concession and forced himself to sit down.

The door trembled—a signal that someone was passing through it.  “She’s here,” Robert cried.  “She’s just come through the front gates.  Hurry!”

“I think I should stay here  Have her brought to me.  Firelight might be kinder…”

“No, master, for she sits poorly on her horse and is a sort of greyish white that tells me she won’t make it more than five steps.  We cannot help her, so you must go.”

He growled, but swept from the room.  Robert surely exaggerated. As a human, he’d always been prone to wild flights of fancy being turned invisible did nothing but increase his whimsy.

The Beast reached the courtyard just as the girl’s horse stopped at the steps of the castle.

The girl didn’t notice the Beast.  She was too busy struggling to dismount the horse.  She finally got a leg over and twisted until she law across the saddle on her belly.  Her short legs dangled several feet from the ground, and her hands were white-knuckled.

The Beast had just taken a step to help here when she let go of the saddle and fell into a heap on the dusty ground.

For a long moment, she sat there, head down, half hidden by the horse.  Then, one of the servants took the horse’s reigns and led it away.

The girl looked up just as the Beast took another step closer.

Her eyes widened and lips tightened.  She did not scream or panic or try to run.  She didn’t even stand.

As for her…

It wasn’t that there was no beauty to be found.  It was there, but buried underneath a death’s head.

Her skin was sickly grey, her eyes sunken with dark circles beneath them.  Her lips were parched.  Her hair was lank and dull.  Her arms were sticks and her collarbone stood out starkly underneath ashy skin.

This child was starving.

This was the merchant’s beloved daughter?  If this was how he treated her, how must the others fare?  Perhaps he should look on them and provide assistance if needed.

The pinched look of fear had disappeared from her face.  A look of peace had taken its place.

“Are you the Beast?”  Her voice was deepened and crackled with a cold.

“And you are Beauty.”

Her eyes cut away from his and she nodded.  A moment later, she coughed, deep and chest wracking.  When she was done, she climbed to her feet.

“Welcome to my home, Beauty.”  He bowed.

She looked surprised, but dipped into an uneven curtsy.  “I, um.  Thank you.”  She shivered violently, even though it was a temperate night.”

“We should go inside.  Will you take my arm?”

A look of wild fear crossed her face, but she nodded.  She stood still as he came to her side.  He offered his arm.

Hers was like a twig laying on his massive forearm.  He could feel heat radiating from her and it occurred to him that she wasn’t trembling from fear, but fever.

“Beauty,” he said, stepping forward.

She followed him.  Her foot touched the round, and her eyes rolled back in her head as she fainted dead away.

He caught her before she hit the ground.  His servants let out a cry and the dirt kicked up as they gathered around.

“What’s wrong with her?” Mrs. Underwood demanded.  “Is it fear?”

“No.  She is ill.  Gravely.”  He slid his arm under her knees and lifted her.  She lay like a feather, almost intangible she was so skinny.  “Bring water to her chambers.  Broth.  We must cool her down and get her to drink.”

Later, when she was well, he’d ask how she’d come to be in this state.  The merchant had been poor, yes, but not destitute  He’d spoken of his daughters as if they’d been comfortable.  One was even married to a famer; surely there was food enough.

This girl had not eaten well in months.  He suspected it would be a challenge to get her body to accept food.  But he must try.

He lay her on top of her bed.  The great satin comforter almost swallowed her.  He noticed the hem of her ragged dress was stiff with dirt.  There were holes in her shoes.  Her fingernails were black with grime.  Only her hair seemed to have been paid mind to, as if she’d taken special care to do it in practical braids.

“Step out of the room,” Mrs. Underwood said.  “I’ll get her out of those clothes and into a nightgown.”

“Should she wash?”

“I’ll take care of her.  Out.”

The Beast did as she said.  He closed the door behind him, all confusion.  After the merchant had left, Beast had used his magic to spy on the family.  He’d never gotten a good view of Beauty, but his impression of her had been different.  She’d been taller. Self-assured.  And health.  She and her sisters had been the pictures of health.

A tray carrying a pitcher and bowl floated past him and into the bedroom.  A moment later, tea and soup passed him by.  He watched, against wondering at the magic that could take something tangible, like the trays, and allow them to pass through walls in the hands of his servants.  A strange foresight of the magician who’d enchanted him.

The door trembled.  “She’s dressed, master,” Mrs. Underwood said.  “Clean and comfortable.  Well.  As comfortable as she can be.  She’s got a fever and a cough, and won’t stop moving her legs.”

“She need water and soup.”

“Are you…”

“Yes, I am.”  He opened the door and strode inside.

Beauty opened her eyes and immediately winced.  “It’s very bright,” she said, squinting.

The Beast went to the candles and blew them out, plunging the room into a twilight grey.

“You must eat something.”

She nodded and pushed herself up.  When a bowl of soup floated toward her, she flinched.  When it did nothing more than hang there, she reached for it.

The Beast caught the bowl before her trembling hands did.  “Sip.”  He brought the bowl to her mouth and tipped it.

She drank the soup.  Only a few sips before she pulled back, body convulsing.  She coughed a few times, gagged.  Tears rolled down her eyes.  Bu the soup stayed down.

“Have more.”

She shook her head, but leaned forward and drank some more.  Slowly, with many breaks and near things they got the soup down.

“I’m sorry,” she said when it was gone.  She lay back against the pillows eyelids heavy.  “You were probably hoping I was fatter.”

“What?” he said, flabbergasted.

“I’m a paltry meal.  All bones.  No flesh.  You’ll have to wait to eat me.  Until I fatten up.”

Ah.  Of course that was what she’d think.  No doubt her father had put the thought in her mind, fool that he was.

“I don’t intend to eat you.”

She frowned, eyes almost closed.  “But she said… I thought…”

“I may be a beast, but I don’t eat people.  If you were a deer, it would be different.”  He attempted a smile.

She was breathing evenly, near sleep.  But she muttered, “Then why…”

“Why are you here?”  He watched as the last bit of resistance fled and she fell asleep.

“Because I am lonely.”



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Filed under beauty and the beast, books, writing

Unexpected Outage

Today, the internet broke in my class.  Not the whole internet, but the website for our reading program.  Luckily, I noticed the problem early.  While the kids were doing independent reading, I tried to hop on the site so I could look at something.  I got an error message and discovered that the entire site was down.  I grabbed a kid’s iPad to see if it was just on my computer (which has happened), but, nope.  Whole thing.  Down for everyone.

The problem is, Friday we use that website to take our comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and phonics tests.  And we were ready for this test.  We’d read Click, Clack, Moo: Cows that Type this week and analyzed the heck out of it. It was easy because the story is awesome and all the kids loved it and wanted to read it over and over.  In grammar we learned compound sentences, and they were whizzes at combining shorter sentences into compound sentences.  I ever remembered (at the at minute) that the program did something shifty and taught that a compound sentences was two sentences combined with the joining words and, or, and but, but TESTED and, but, or, and so.  So I made worksheets to review the skill using the word “so” as well.  We were ready.

But had no way to test.

So, I pulled my teacher pants up and improvised.  We took our spelling test, and then did our close reader in the morning.   In the extra time we had, we practiced for the Christmas program that’s coming up fast.  That got us through the morning.  During math, we started learning how to subtract 2-digit numbers using manipulatives, which is about when the migraine from hell struck.  I couldn’t turn my head, I felt like I was going to throw up, it was all very bad.  So, I tightened my teacher belt on my teacher pants, popped a migraine pill and continued on.

Then, during lunch, I faced a dilemma.  The website was back up and working.  I could test after lunch.  But I’d planned to do our Thanksgiving turkeys, which I’ve done every year I’ve taught second grade.  Sure, it’s gotten a little less elaborate.  I used to do them out of construction paper, and spent any free time during conference week cutting out all the pieces.  This year, I photocopied some papers I got off of TPT.  Still, the concept is the same: the body of the turkey says “I am thankful for” and then they have 6 feathers to write 6 things they are thankful for.  They’d then get to color them, and I’d planned to stick them onto the door to replace our monsters.

So.  The dilemma.  Did I test or did I create?

Reader, I tested.  They’re going to be gone a week.  Ideally, they’d remember everything when they came back, but they won’t.  And I won’t have time to test.  Plus, headache.  It was easier to get them on the iPads and run around the room helping them than doing turkeys (well, maybe; some of the kids still need a lot of support to navigate the tests).  But, I have my grades.  And the turkeys will keep.  There’s no law that says I can’t do thankful turkeys after Thanksgiving.

Also, every exciting, our book orders came today!  I’ve been telling them all month that it would arrive after Thanksgiving, but I checked at lunch, and it was there!  Here’s my haul:

I’m still trying to build up my collection of seasonal read alouds , so I got How to Catch an Elf and the Ninjabread Man (although the second one might not be Christmas themed; I have to check).  The rest were free books from Scholastic.  I love that they send free books, I just wish those books were better suited for my class.  They are just way advanced for my little second graders.

So, now I’ve got a week off.  My lesson plans are mostly done, just have to finalize some social studies plans and then do my Power Points for ELA.  I am so ready for this week.  I get to see my family and do fun things.  It will be all good. And, most important, I’ve survived another parent conference week.

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Filed under books, school, teaching

The Book Box is Here!


I got my Scholastic book order today!  And I scored on this book order.  First, I got $15 worth of free books, with which I purchased:


Fly Guy books! Ten Fly Guy books!  My kids love Fly Guy, and I have a few, but ten is much  better than what I have.  Fly Guy now has his own box (box 15) to live in.

I also got these:


I don’t know why the picture posted like that.  I’ve uploaded it three times, and it still posts sideways.  Anyway, I got 9 chapter books for free.  They’re probably too hard for my class, but they like trying to read chapter books, so it’s good to have them.

I also got a couple of the “I am” books by Brad Meltzer.  I got I am Martin Luther King Jr. and one other one (can’t remember which).  They look cute and I’ve heard that kids really like them.  I need more biographies, so I think they’ll be a good investment.

Other than that, it was a pretty typical Monday.  My sub did… okay, I think.  He didn’t leave me any notes telling me what he did and did not finish, so that’s frustrating.  Worse, I left a math creativity project for them to do.  It was a spider where they wrote a number in the center of the spider and then wrote 8 number sentences on the legs showing how to get that number.  I bought it from Cranberry Creations on TPT for two reasons: 1) during the math walk through a few weeks ago, it was noted that we don’t have much student math work up and 2) I thought it would be an easier activity for the sub to do than the first chapter 4 lesson.  Plus, I hate starting a new chapter on a Friday.

He had the kids take the spiders home.  I wrote in the plans to make sure the students wrote their names and numbers on the back of the spiders, but I forgot to write, “collect the spiders.”  I’m so used to subs collecting all the work they do, it slipped my mind.  It didn’t for some of the other things, but this one…

Luckily not everyone finished, and a few kids still had their finished spiders in their backpacks.  So, it’s not totally salvageable, but I am so frustrated about it.  I wanted a cute bulletin board to put up that was seasonal and math topical, and because I forgot three little words, it’s turned into a mess.

Speaking of messes, we started RTI today.    I sent my groups off to their teachers and, two minutes later, one group comes back saying that no one was there.  I called the office and was told that they were aware of the problem and were trying to figure out what to do.  They never got back to me.   So, the way we are doing RTI now is we’ve grouped the kids into  six groups: three groups go to the three second grade teachers and then three groups go to an aide.  Not one aide was prepared or told that we were starting.  This is after we had a meeting again last Wednesday and being assured that it was going to start on Monday.  And also, we were told that we had to start this week or the district might step in and not allow us to try the experiment we’re doing.  Well, we’re trying to get it started, and yet the support still isn’t there.  Again, frustrated.  Mess.

But, overall, the day went well.  A good start to the week.

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Filed under books, teaching

I Have a Problem

I went to Target for two things: a shirt and some candy.  My apartment was shockingly bereft of candy, save for a few Wintergreen Lifesavers, and those weren’t cutting it.  Luckily, it’s candy season, so stocking up wasn’t going to be a problem.

This is the problem:


(Ignore Cobbler; he ran over the moment he realized something was on the floor.)

I didn’t mean to buy books.  I just placed a Scholastic book order and ordered a bunch of books from there (including a bunch of Fly Guy books, since my kids love Fly Guy).  But the Little Critter books were on sale for $3.  How could I say no?  And I needed the Flair Pens because one of my Cass Dojo rewards is write with pen.  I have one set of pens, and one day, I had three kids who wanted to write with pen.  One of the students reminded me of the problem, so I said I’d buy pens this weekend.  And the mini Post-its were, well, because I’m out of mini Post-its.

That’s it, though.  I swear I’m not buying any more books… for a least a week.

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Topsy Turvy Day

Tomorrow, the district administration is doing a walk-through of our school.  They might be doing all the schools and starting with ours; I’m not sure.  They are coming through to observe us teaching math from 8:05-10:00.  The problem?  Most of us don’t teach math until after first recess.  I don’t get to it until 10:30.

“No problem!” administration says.  “Just flip flop your schedule and teach math in the morning.”

And I love change so much.  *sigh*  I just hope I remember.  I keep reminding myself, I’ve already changed my schedule cards so math is first, but I have this horrible feeling that I’ll get into the morning routine and then just naturally follow my schedule and forget about math.  Maybe I’ll write a note on my hand or something.

Barnes and Noble is having Educator Appreciation this week, so I went yesterday.  First, I went to Renaissance Faire and had a good time.  Then, I changed out of my costume in the parking lot and drove Barnes and Noble.  Like I said before, I live a half hour away from the nearest Barnes and Noble; since I was already up in the area, I figured it’d be silly not to go, even though I was covered in faire dirt and exhausted.

I was underwhelmed by the options for the most part.  There were a few free posters (which I forgot to get) and a raffle (that I hope I win), but otherwise… meh.  I did get these:


I’m excited that the Cars book and Sleepy Dog are below first grade reading level, because I have quite a few students reading at those levels and only a few books. This will add to that collection.

I didn’t buy more for the class because I have Scholastic Book Orders due on Friday, and will be buying from them.  Scholastic is cheaper and usually gives free books for every so much you spend.  Better to buy from them, even with my educator discount from B&N.

I did also get the the first Magnus Chase book by Rick Riordan.  Well, the first and the third.  B&N was having a special where if you bought the third book, you got any other Rick Riordan book 1/2 off.  I’ve been meaning to read Magnus Chase for awhile, so this seemed like the opportunity to start.

I am exhausted today.  This is why I go to Ren Faire on Saturday.  I need a day to recover.  And then back to the grind tomorrow.


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Read Alouds

In the craziness of my daily schedule, the thing I miss the most is being able to read aloud to my students.  When I first started teaching, I had 15 minutes a day to read out loud.  I did it every day after lunch.  Now, I’m lucky if I get 5 minutes.  This week, I think I got 5 minutes total.  I’m reading The One and Only Ivan to my kids, but this week I read Room on the Broom because I thought it’d be a nice change for the season and I thought I’d have time to read on other days.  I didn’t.  And the worst thing is, the kids don’t miss it because it’s not a consistent part of the routine and they don’t know to miss it (and, possibly, the book I’m reading might be beyond their grasp.  At least right now.  I might have been too ambitious).

I don’t remember my 1-3 grade teacher reading out loud to us, although she must have, at least some time.  But when I got to fourth grade, it was routine.  I remember almost every book my 4-5 grade teacher read.  The Magician’s Nephew; Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe ( in that order).  I remember her looking for Turkish Delight for us to try, but she never found it (I do remember the first time I had Turkish Delight; it was rose flavored.  I liked it, but wouldn’t betray anyone for it).  She read 21 Balloons and By the Great Horned Spoon and Five Children and It (which was unfortunate, because the bullies in class immediately started calling one of the kids in class “It”).  There were many more books she read (Detectives in Togas, which I read to my first class, and Greek Slave Boy, which I found again after many years of searching). She read Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIHM, which I loved to much, I wrote and illustrated a sequel for her.  Those read alouds were important to me, and I’m sad I can’t give that to my students.

I remember my first class. I taught sixth grade and decided to read Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech.  I’d read it before and therefore thought I was prepared to get through the whole book.

I wasn’t.

One day, I was reading along and getting to the emotional climax of the story when, suddenly, to my horror, I realized I wasn’t going to make it.  My throat was closing and my eyes were burning and, yup.  I was going to cry. And it wasn’t going to be pretty.  My kids hadn’t realized what was happening in the story yet, so there I was, getting choked up, and they had no idea why.  It was embarrassing.

But not quite as embarrassing as the first time I cried in front of a class.  I was subbing and the class was difficult.  Not horrible, but it’d been a rough day.  The teacher had left me a book about Hiroshima to read for the kids, and they were really into it, so I kept reading.  I was fine, I was fine, I was fine and then, quite abruptly, I was not fine in any sense of the word.  I just started crying so hard because of the horrors I was reading.  I’d never heard a class as quiet as that class.  It was silent.

They were much better the rest of the day.

It’s important to read aloud to kids.  It helps build vocabulary and understanding of language.  It stimulates imagination, improves literacy skills.  And it’s fun.  It’s comforting and low stress.  It’s a shame that reading aloud is not a priority for my district.  I’m desperately trying to carve out five minutes a day and will continue to do so.  It’s just going to have to take a little bit of imagination.

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“That’s damn right”

Disclaimer: I don’t like it when people shout things out at  movies or plays, unless you’re supposed to (or it’s a kid who doesn’t know any better).  I mean, you’re there to enjoy the professionals and, even if they aren’t that good, chances are, you ain’t as funny as you think you are.  And it’s especially disrespectful if it’s a live performance because being on stage is hard, y’all, and having to keep in character when something unexpected happens isn’t fun.

That being said…

(spoilers for The Little Mermaid stage musical to follow)

So Ariel gets her voice back and her father gives her legs and swims her up to the surface.  Eric is so happy, he gets down on one knee and asks Triton if he can marry Ariel.  And then, miracle of miracles, Triton said, “I believe my daughter can speak for herself.” (! 🙂 🙂 🙂 !)

And someone in the audience said, very loudly, “That’s damn right.”  Which, yes, see above disclaimer, but… yeah.  It’s damn right she can speak for herself.  So, yeah.  That made it fun.  Or, funny, at least.

I liked the play.  It wasn’t transcendent like Lion King (if that’s the right word), but it was a lot of fun.  I liked how they expanded on Eric and his relationship with Ariel was sweet.  I really enjoyed it.

And, on my way home, I stopped at Barnes and Noble.  The plan was a) renew my educator card, b) get something to read and c) maybe get a game.  I did the first two, but decided to hold off on the game (even though I’ve got someone coming over Friday to play games.  But I’ll check Target).  I didn’t mean to get books for the classroom, because I’ve got book orders due soon and I’m buying from that, but…


I’ve read The Hallo-Wiener before and it’s cute.  I read Room on the Broom at the store, and it was adorable.  And How to Catch a Monster was only $7.99 if you bought a children’s book, and I was already doing that.  How can you pass on getting a $17 hardback book for eight bucks?  How?  Besides, I need to increase my holiday read aloud collection because right now I have… nothing.  I’ve got hundreds of books for the kids to read, but nothing I really have set aside to read to them (Except Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney.)  So, this year, I am building my collection of all holiday books.  It’s my mission.

Also, as you may have guessed from the tail in the above picture, the second I put the books down to take their pictures, this happened:


For those not in the know, that is my cat, Cobbler.  He owns everything on the floor. It’s the rule.


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Filed under books, cats, teaching

Another Busy Week Ahead

Sometimes, I don’t understand my district.  It’s like they go out of their way to make things as difficult as possible for the teachers.  Take next week, for example.  We are supposed to work on progress reports next week.  We fill out out the computerized form saying how they are doing in each subject, and then fill out comments.  Filling in the form doesn’t take long (in fact, I’m already done), but the comments do.  Especially because over half of them need to be in Spanish.  I don’t speak Spanish, so I need to either run my comments through Google Translate or hunt through my comment books for comment appropriate for my students.  I usually do the former, even though it makes me nervous since Google Translate is notoriously unreliable.  I remember when I was trying to tell my parents to have their children count change and Google Translate translated it as “cambio”, which is not what I wanted.

Plus, I like to make my comments specific to each child, so I don’t use the preprinted ones that come with the program and I don’t like using professionally published books (although I get ideas from them sometimes).  So, it takes awhile.

So what does my district decide to do?  Hold meetings during the week.  The first isn’t their fault; my principal and the PBIS committee (which I’m on) decided to meet on Monday after school.  But the second meeting is the district.  We’re having grade level collaboration for the whole district on Wednesday.  Why it has to be next week instead of the week after, I don’t know.  I honestly think that the district expects us to do progress reports on our own time, which isn’t fair.  We should be able to do it during our prep time.  But every year, this is what happens.  And I didn’t it easier on myself because I scheduled an appointment on Thursday.

But, I’ll get it done.  I always do.  But I’ll still complain because it’s just not fair.

In other new, I’m decorating my room for fall tomorrow.  I’ve never done that before, but a) I’m in the mood and b) I’m trying to make my room prettier and more engaging.  I found this sign at Michael’s:


I also bought some leaves at the Dollar Store.  The sign is going to go on my cabinets and the leave will go on the cabinets and the board (I think).  I’ll do it tomorrow morning and take pictures.  I hope it’ll look good.  I’m not very good at decorating.  My apartment is all superhero art I got at Comic Con.  Grown-up decorations baffle me.

I finished What Teacher’s Make and am now looking for something else to read.  I was going to try The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood, but the lack of quotation marks bugs me.  Any suggestions?


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Teaching with Migraines

Teaching with a migraine suuuuuucks, y’all.  My patience tanks, but desire to be there dissolves, and I’m not in my best.  Luckily, today, the migraine didn’t surface during the day.  I woke up in the middle of the night with one, took medication, woke up feeling okay, got through the day, and, BAM!, it hit during collaboration.  Which I can deal with.  But I was crankier and less patient than I want to be, so, overall, it wasn’t as successful a day as I was hoping for.

I did get a bulletin board done.  The space above my board didn’t have any background to it; I was just putting posters up.  It looked ugly.  So, I threw up some fabric I had, surrounded it with border, redid a couple of anchor charts to fit, and now it looks better.  I still feel like my room is really ugly, but it’d a little better.  No pictures, because I didn’t take any.

www wednesday

This is a meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words.

  1. What are you reading?


I a reading Warcross by Marie Lu.  It is about a virtual reality game called Warcross, the creator Hideo Tanaka, and the bounty hunter/hacker, Emika Chen he hires to find the person trying to take the game–and Hideo with it.  It’s good and I’m enjoying it.

2. What did you recently finish reading?

I finished The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate. It’s about a gorilla who’s part of a zoo inside a shopping mall and how he goes from being resigned to his fate to actively trying to get a better life, not just for him, but for Ruby, a baby elephant who’s also a resident of the zoo.  It’s a really good book and I’ve decided to try and read it to my kids, even though it’s an emotionally fraught book.  And it’s longer than anything I’ve read to second grade.  But, I thought I’d give it a try.  If it doesn’t work and they’re not into it, we can always drop it.

3. What do you think you’ll read next?

I’m not sure, and that’s bad because I’m probably going to finish Warcross tonight.  I’m considering reading What Teacher’s Make: In Praise of the Greatest Job in the World by Taylor Mali because I’m really into teaching right now (which is good–it’s my job) and I liked his poem on teaching.

What are you all reading?  Or what do you recommend I read next?


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Filed under books, teaching, www wednesday

Teaser Tuesday


I am doing two teasers this week because I’m reading two books.  The first is from The Last Girl by Joe Hart.  Truth be told, I’m not enjoying it very much.  It’s not poorly written, but I don’t like the characters, I don’t like the plot, and I don’t care about what’s going to happen next.  It’s the first in a trilogy, and the thought of reading two more books in this universe fills me with dread.  I’m thinking of dropping it, but I’m already 78% of the way through and it seems a waste not to just finish it.  That way, I can see if any of what I’ve read is worth it.  I’m not usually one to finish books I don’t enjoy, but I’m so close.

last girl

Anyway, my teaser:

Tia steers the vehicle up to the side of the building away from the road and shuts it of.  In the quiet that rushes in with the absence of the motor’s growl, a new sound takes precedence.

Teaser Two:

pride and prejudice

My second teaser comes from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I saw Pride and Prejudice and Zombies a couple of weeks ago and enjoyed it because it was silly and I like Sam Reilly.   However, it seemed like the film maker got halfway through the book and went “Eh, I just want to end this now,” so I was denied Pemberley and all the scenes of Lizzy coming around towards Darcy.  I’ve since watched the 1995 version of the movie and then decided to read the book again, since, as I mentioned before, I’m not enjoying the other book.

Had she found Jane in any apparent danger, Mrs. Bennet would have been very miserable; but being satisfied on seeing that her illness was not alarming, she had no wish of her recovering immediately, as her restoration to health would probably remove her from Netherfield. She would not listen, therefore, to her daughter’s proposal of being carried home; neither did the apothecary, who arrived about the same time, think it at all advisable. Ch. 9, pg. 42

That’s all for this week.  I hope to join you next week with a teaser to two of books I love whole-heartedly!


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